Friday, July 28, 2006

Banana Republic

An example of how economic rational is distilled for Joe Bogan:

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Grimy water

full of duck poo, all the way back in April.

I received this today, it is me sitting in a boat on Zoo Lake where I had lunch at Moyo with Dave and where the waitress painted my face (note the daisy - traditional African war paint)

The menu had couscous and lamb or African curried fish. We asked the waiter what was good and he said "me? I'm African, I just like steak".

We had the Haute Cabriere Pinot Noir (lots of it) and the boat cost us R10 to hire.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Everybody keeps saying

I am a bad driver.

And I have no idea why.

Seriously, no idea.
  • I haven't ever had an accident (except for that one incident when I was watching an accident and gently nudged the woman infront of me with my bumper)
  • I have all the points on my licence (in Australia, where much of the State's revenue is derived from multi-novas hidden behind bushes in 40km school zones)
  • No one ever hoots at me (except when I'm indulging in daring Zimbabwean defensive driving on Australian freeways)

Thus, in oder to become a better driver, or a more conscious bad driver, I need to know what makes my driving bad.

So tell me! Or I shall remain in denial, terrorising my passengers, blissfully unaware of the havoc I wreak behind me.

Friday, July 14, 2006

AFRICA by Alex Stone Snr

It's a pity by true, that Africa
refuses adamantly to be loved.
We who would have her for a mother
must crawl about unfulfilled like fleas on a bloodless dog.

We have come to expect, foolishly,
that a land needs to be loved,
perhaps naturally, because our love
floats about on a reaching arm
like a hat looking for a peg to hang on
in a parlour that has never known hats.

If you must be happy in Africa
throw your heart's hat on the floor
and never look back to see the ants
quietly make dust of it
to nourish the quiet African grass.