Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Everybody keeps saying

I am a bad driver.

And I have no idea why.

Seriously, no idea.
  • I haven't ever had an accident (except for that one incident when I was watching an accident and gently nudged the woman infront of me with my bumper)
  • I have all the points on my licence (in Australia, where much of the State's revenue is derived from multi-novas hidden behind bushes in 40km school zones)
  • No one ever hoots at me (except when I'm indulging in daring Zimbabwean defensive driving on Australian freeways)

Thus, in oder to become a better driver, or a more conscious bad driver, I need to know what makes my driving bad.

So tell me! Or I shall remain in denial, terrorising my passengers, blissfully unaware of the havoc I wreak behind me.


Blogger Simon Halliday said...

Need I remind you of the time I had to scream very loudly in order to ensure that you didn't enter the highway through the highway EXIT! Yes... I also have several other um... 'stories'. Ho hum.

8:58 pm  
Blogger Patrick said...

Well, I remember being very grateful when it was you driving and not me

10:03 pm  

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