Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Alone time

By my window, looking out to sea, I need some alone time. People tire me. One person in particular - I received a phonecall from exboyfriend Charlie last night (God knows why I gave him my number). Remember Charlie? Serial-lying- small-problem-with-sleeping-with-other-people-English-git.

I remembered his capacity for bullshit, but I didn't remember his capacity for bullshit that wasn't very interesting. He talked at me for almost an hour. He detailed his current mental illness, that has prevented him from graduating (BA in History, so not even particularly challenging) or doing anything (although he was at pains to assure me that he could work for PricewaterhouseCoopers if he could get off the couch for long enough). By the end of the conversation I had the distinct impression that he still thought I was an accountant.

He was kind enough to give me a lecture on Australian post-war colonialism - the British felt we needed to come of age colonially so they gave us Papau New Guinea, apparently. Here I was thinking that PNG was an Australian protectorate briefly post-WWII before the Australians gave it to the Indonesians (colonial bastards).

But I'm tired because for some reason people insist on implicating Charlie's bogan life with mine, "I'm beginning to see a pattern, Kate" (Wei), "you do pick them, Kate" (Janet). Why judge me because one of my ex-boyfriends is a drop kick?

Sometimes I feel that if other people had the capacity for criticism that some people believe I have, then the world would be a better place!


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